Enterprise dynamics

Wearing a blue robe, guarding the original intention without regrets, diligently farming on the front line

Date of issue:2023-12-26 Source:本站

——Zhang Weiming, the "Big Butler" of Shanghai Sunlong Production Line

In Shanghai Sunlong, there is a grassroots manager who is a very busy person. In addition to doing a good job in daily management within the department, he is also an indispensable member of the department's production scheduling. He is Zhang Weiming, the head of the Production Management Department of the Production and Manufacturing Department, who has been mobilizing troops and shuttling back and forth between the complex production lines, making great efforts and breaking the heart for the smooth progress of production.


Always at the forefront of production for 15 years

At present, we are in a critical stage of Shanghai Sunlong's annual campaign, with a busy production line and exceptionally heavy production and assembly tasks. Countless parts, components, and purchased parts, as well as unclear assembly and inspection status, are just daily tasks for Zhang Weiming.

Having been engaged in production scheduling work for 15 years, Zhang Weiming can be called a walking encyclopedia of production management. In the face of complex production organization work, he always has an account in his heart, and in his own words, "production management is an art.". He explained that as the central department of the entire production department, the Production Management Department commands and issues every instruction through it. "I want to ensure that half of my work time is spent on the production site every day, listening to the advice and opinions of the experienced workers on the production line, understanding their needs and ideas, and conveying the urgency of production to the front line." Zhang Weiming said of his many years of work experience, firmly stating that "the production line will always be the best learning place and problem-solving platform."


Continuously fighting on the front line despite minor injuries

It is precisely with these years of rich and solid frontline experience that even the most complex work cannot defeat this "big butler" on the production line.

Last year, after the epidemic was lifted, a batch of urgent orders needed to be rushed, and the production management department was almost completely destroyed. Employees tested positive for antigens and nucleic acids. In order to rush the order, Zhang Weiming raced against time and did not lose control. He made weekly and daily plans in an orderly manner, shuttling between the production line and the office every day, checking for missing parts and materials on site; Running around the production management department and process technology department, 8 hours a day is obviously not enough for him.

For others, overtime is about finishing unfinished work, but for them, it is about freeing up time to sort out the problems in today's production process and arrange tomorrow's plans. Afterwards, his colleagues referred to him as the best candidate to take on the role of "not getting down to the front line with minor injuries and continuing to fight on the front line".


Knowledge can bring abilities and opportunities

Every day, Zhang Weiming rushes around the production line, but he never relaxes his studies to improve himself. In 2018, Zhang Weiming was recommended by the company and went on a business trip to a large host factory to learn lean production, providing strong support for the promotion of lean management throughout Shanghai Sunlong.

In addition, he actively participates in professional skills training organized by the company. "A person without foresight must have immediate worries. I believe that knowledge can bring abilities and opportunities."

Effort always pays off. Since joining Shanghai Sunlong, Zhang Weiming has received company level honors multiple times. In 2015, he was awarded the title of "Model Worker in Production Department", and in 2017, he was awarded the title of "Outstanding Employee of Shanghai Sunlong" and other awards of various sizes.

As the "big butler" on the production line, Zhang Weiming has always played the role of a "leading goose" and fulfilled his job responsibilities with practical actions. Wearing a blue shirt to guard his original intention and working diligently on the front line without regrets, this is a true portrayal of Zhang Weiming's eagerness to learn, diligence, and dedication to his position. For 15 years, he has been writing his regretless youth with practical actions.
