Enterprise dynamics

Shanghai Sunlong launches Safety Month series of activities

Date of issue:2024-07-18 Source:本站

During the Safety Month, in order to further improve the quality and effectiveness of emergency plans and drills, improve emergency work mechanisms, and ensure that factory management personnel can quickly and effectively handle various safety accidents in case of emergencies, Shanghai Sunlong Bus Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Shanghai Sunlong") recently organized emergency drills and related safety knowledge testing and evaluation for electric shock accidents.

01 Practical Exercise of Emergency Plan for Electric Shock Accidents

On June 14th, Shanghai Sunlong conducted a company level "Emergency Plan Exercise for Electric Shock Accidents" in the painting workshop. This drill simulated the emergency response process of the workshop and relevant department emergency response team members when the painting workshop employees opened the power button on the electrical control box outside the paint spraying room. Due to electrical leakage in the box, the grounding wire on the box door happened to fall off, making it impossible to conduct the current, resulting in the employee being electrocuted and falling unconscious when touching the box door with their bare hands.

This drill is divided into five stages: the first stage (start of the drill, accident simulation); The second stage (accident report and emergency plan activation); The third stage (on-site emergency response); The fourth stage (emergency termination and aftermath handling); The fifth stage (end of drill and summary).

The emergency drill for the electric shock accident has strengthened the safety production awareness of the staff, familiarized them with the emergency response process, and achieved the purpose of the emergency drill. Subsequently, Shanghai Sunlong will continuously summarize its experience, streamline emergency plans and processes, and ensure the orderly implementation of safety production work.



02 "Everyone talks about safety, everyone knows how to respond to emergencies - smooth the passage of life" safety knowledge competition

On June 16th, as part of the Safety Month series of activities, Shanghai Sunlong held a company safety knowledge competition. A total of 22 people from 12 departments and workshops participated in the competition. During the competition, the participating team members from each department listened carefully and answered enthusiastically. Through the competition, employees not only strengthened the cohesion of the enterprise, but also enhanced their safety awareness and knowledge, laying a good safety management atmosphere for the enterprise.

In this competition, through three rounds of mandatory, competitive, and written questions, the welding workshop won first place, while the supply logistics department and debugging workshop ranked second and third respectively.

